Friday, March 30, 2012

First Easter Egg Hunt!

Grayson had her Easter Egg Hunt at school today! Although she doesn't look thrilled in this first picture, she actually really enjoyed visiting with the Easter bunny. She was actually way more interested in opening and playing with the plastic eggs than I had expected. That's good because we have a few more hunts ahead of us!

Blue Bonnets

The wild flowers started blooming in Texas in the last couple weeks. We have a hill in our neighborhood that is especially pretty and rather appealing since you don't have to be on the side of a highway! Grayson was kind of luke-warm on the whole experience. She didn't seem to like the feel of the grass or small rocks from the hillside. We had lots of "out-take" photos (i included one especially unhappy looking one below) -- i did get a few that i felt were blog-worthy. We may venture back for a second try if we can find a more overcast afternoon -- the warm march sun didn't help the cause!

Hiding spot...

Grandma Kathy arrived a few days ago for a visit. She likes to have me try out new things! I thought it was fun to sit with my toys in the toy box!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Nothing cuter....

I don't know if there is anything more precious than a sleeping baby. I almost think that as they get older they become even more adorable when they are sleeping -- maybe it's because it is such a stark contrast to all of the activity and mischeviousness they have going on when they are awake. I went in to check on Grayson yesterday towards the end of a unusually long nap. Her and Elmer (the pacifier) seemed quite cozy. Mmmmm-mmm-mmmm --- i just want to eat her up!

Sunday, March 18, 2012


We are extremely blessed with amazing next door neighbors. We are constantly swapping baby gear, ingredients, party stuff....recently, I even borrowed a flambé torch! Both families are always on the go but we try to touch base with a visit every couple weeks. At our most recent trip next door, lindsey snapped this great photo op with Grayson and Nash (thoroughly enjoying his spaghetti!). We love our neighbors!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, March 5, 2012

8 months

I don't know if it was because February was a short month or what, but month 8 seemed to race by! We were busy, busy, but in the midst of all of the chaos that I affectionately refer to as our life, Grayson managed to charge forward with her gross motor skills development. She can now quickly crawl in the direction of whatever interests her --- not sure why it always seems like what interests her is something she is not supposed to have -- mom's coffee cup, the cord to the space heater, the drain switch in the tub!! I feel like, "Grayson, no," has become my most commonly used saying. I am pretty sure they say that they don't understand right from wrong at this age, but I can tell she has started to understand my tone. I can see how this is just the beginning of her testing her limits and boundaries.

Here are a few more highlights from the month:

  • Mom and you flew to Arizona to meet up with dad and visit Nana and Papa. Nana and Papa took care of you while mom and dad went out to the Phoenix Open to cheer on our friend JJ Killeen. Mom was nervous about flying with you solo but she had a nice lady on the plane next to her that helped out ALOT.

  • Bought you some 12 month clothes thinking i was getting ahead of the game, they fit you perfectly now -- with some items being snug already!!

  • You have mastered traditional crawling

  • You can pull up from sitting to standing using something steady to brace yourself

  • You eat three meals a day -- mostly baby food. I have tried giving you table food cut into small pieces and you don't seem that interested. You LOVE baby food though -- both fruits and vegeatables. Sweet potatoes seem to be the only food that you consistently turn down.

  • You are down to two naps a day and 4 bottles!

  • You have had several babysitters and you never seem phased with mom and dad leave (fingers crossed that sticks around!)

  • You go to bed around 7:30 and sleep until 6:30 during the week at 7 to 7:30ish on the weekend

  • We lowered your crib to the lowest setting so now you seem to be in baby jail!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

First Trip to Disney World

Growing up, it was a tradition for Steve's family to make a trip to Disney World each spring. So we knew it was only a matter of time before Grayson made her first pilgrimage to the homeland of Mickey and Minnie. With so many Polanski family memories having been made in Florida, there was alot of anticipation for this new chapter in family fun. I have to admit, I was a little nervous to take an 8 month old to the "over-stimulation mecca" also known as the happiest place on earth, but the trip was wonderful --- seeing Disney through an 8 month old's eyes was a true treat. Here are the pictoral highlights of the trip:

Some pool time:
Swimming with Pops

Laughing with mom

Playing with the octopus that Grandma Kathy won for me at Bingo

Character Breakfast at the Contemporary

Mom and Aunt Kristen ran the Princess Half Marathon when we were there!

Way to go Mom!!

Heading out for the Magic Kingdom and Epcot

My favorite ride, It's a Small World

Waiting in line with dad

Playing at the playground at Old Key West