Sunday, June 3, 2012

11 months

I feel like I was just typing up the 10 month post!  If it's possible, the months seem to fly by faster and faster.  1st birthday party planning is well under way --- i keep telling myself I am keeping it small and low key, but for some reason, I am constantly finding myself ordering or buying something....yes, i really needed that 20 inch mylar rubber ducky balloon!  (we are doing a rubber duck theme!)   Grayson continues to gain independence each day --- I joked with steve today that she's going to be 1 this month and 18 the next!   Here is what has been going on:

  • Trips to the swimming pool --- G is loving the baby pool and the fountains.  She also loves to float around in the big pool with us.   After swim time, is snack time where she eats her cheerios and drinks her water --- such a big girl!  
  • Constantly on the move --- cruising along furniture, cabinets, with her friendly dinosaur (pictured below) holding our hands  --- no solo steps yet.  Personally, i think she still has at least a few weeks to go, but I guess you never can tell what they are going to learn to do overnight.   
  • Eating -- sometimes you are such a big girl and make an entire meal out of table food --- other times you seem to only want baby food.  This in between stage is making it challenging on your momma, but I am patient and just try to be flexible and offer you both.   I stress out alot about what you eat and don't eat.  You love velveeta cheese and lunch meat....not exactly the meal of champions.  I continue to offer you peas and carrots and black beans ....I know you'll come around eventually.   
  • Talking ---- you are constantly babbling and lots of mamamama and dadadada, but I am still not convinced that you associate this word with either me or your dad.   I am patiently waiting for that first word!!  You definitely babble on like you have ALOT to tell us...we just aren't quite sure what you are saying yet!